Below are article titles ordered by sessions.
12/07 AM: Models of sound propagation in porous materials
12/07 PM: Characterisation of acoustical parameters
12/08 AM: Prediction tools (1): how far have we got ?
12/08 PM: Characterisation of elastic and damping parameters
12/09 AM: Prediction tools (2): case studies
12/09 PM: Innovative solutions for noise control
12/07 AM: Models of sound propagation in porous materials
Sound propagation in porous materials: a DRT temporal dispersion
D. Lafarge.
Acoustic waves in poroelastic plate with anisotropic properties
P. Khurana, Ph. Leclaire, L. Boeckx, W. Lauriks, A. Vashishth.
Computation of the dynamic thermal permeability of acoustic foams
C. Perrot, R. Panneton, X. Olny.
Rayleigh scattering of P2 Waves
C. Boutin.
Poroelastic models of the ground for predicting linear and nonlinear acoustic-to-seismic coupling
K. Attenborough, P. Boulanger, Q. Qin.
Wave number and sound propagation in acoustic anisotropic porous media - (Uu) formulation - analytical part
O. Dazel, J. Tran-Van.
2D Mode Excitation in a Porous Slab Saturated with Air in the High Frequency Approximation
J.-P. Groby, E. Ogam, A. Wirgin, Z. Fellah, W. Lauriks, J.-Y. Chapelon, C. Depollier, L. Deryck, R. Gilbert, N. Sebaa, Y. Xu.
12/07 PM: Characterisation of acoustical parameters
State of the art
R. Panneton.
Ultrasonic characterization of air-saturated porous materials
Z. Fellah, E. Ogam, A. Wirgin, W. Lauriks, C. Depollier, M. Fellah.
Technology of Sound Projection Applied to the Characterisation of Acoustical Parameters of Poro-Elastic Materials
A. Moussatov, B. Castagnede.
Acoustic properties of partly saturated porous soils
K. Horoshenkov, M. Mohamed, S. Adamidou.
Characterizaton of Porous Surfaces wih a Pole of the reflection coefficient
J.-F. Allard, M. Henry.
Characterization of the acoustical parameters in macroscopically heterogeneous lossless porous materials
L. De Ryck, Z. Fellah, A. Wirgin, W. Lauriks, C. Depollier, M. Fellah.
Ultrasonic characterization of cancellous bone
N. Sebaa, Z. Fellah, W. Lauriks, C. Depollier, A. Wirgin, E. Ogam, R. Gilbert, Y. Xu, S. Boonen, J. D'hooge, G. Vanderperre.
An Acoustical inverse measurement system to determine intrinsic parameters of porous samples
T. Courtois, T. Falk, C. Bertolini.
Indirect acoustical characterization of a foam with two scales of porosity
L. Jaouen, X. Olny.
Ultrasonic characterization of porous materials with high air flow resistivity
S. Griffiths, C. Ayrault.
12/08 AM: Prediction tools (1): how far have we got ?
State of the art
N. Atalla.
Finite element modelling of multi-layered trim components; possibilities and difficulties
N.-E. Horlin, P. Goransson, R. Guastavino.
Example of meshing rules for finite element modelling of simple and double porosity materials
F. Castel.
Prediction and experimental validation of the sound field above a patchwork of absorbing materials
R. Lanoye, F. Sgard, W. Desmet, G. Vermeir, W. Lauriks.
Characterization of uncertainties on parameters within poro-elastic media: numerical methods for prediction tools
C. Heinkele, S. Pernot, F. Sgard, C.H. Lamarque.
12/08 PM: Characterisation of elastic and damping parameters
Characterization of porous acoustic materials
W. Lauriks, L. Boeckx, P. Leclaire, P. Khurana, L. Kelders.
Recovery of the mechanical parameters of long bones from their vibroacoustic impulse response
E. Ogam, A. Wirgin, Z. Fellah, J.-P. Groby, W. Lauriks, J.-Y. Chapelon, C. Depollier, L. Deryck, R. Gilbert, N. Sebaa, T. Scotti, Y. Xu.
Measurements via Debye series expansion of the velocity and the attenuation of the compressional waves in a water-saturated porous plate obeying Biot's theory
F. Belhocine, S. Derible, H. Franklin.
Characterisation of anisotropic porous foam materials
R. Guastavino, P. Goransson, N.-E. Horlin.
Characterisation of porous materials viscoelastic properties involving the virboacoustical behaviour of coated panels
O. Doutres, N. Dauchez.
A mathematical model for evaluation of osteoporosis
R. Gilbert, A. Wirgin, Y. Xu, S. Zhang.
Acoustic identification of a poroelastic cylinder
L. Deryck, Z. Fellah, J.-P. Groby, E. Ogam, N. Sebaa, J.-Y. Chapelon, C. Depollier, R. Gilbert, T. Scotti, A. Wirgin, Y. Xu.
12/09 AM: Prediction tools (2): case studies
Engineering feedback on numerical simulation of fully trimmed vehicles using Biot's theory
M.-A. Hamdi, C. Zhang, L. Mebarek, M. Anciant, B. Mahieux.
Poro-elastic modeling: review of current methods used in aircraft design
A. Weston, M. Gmerek.
Measurement of liner acoustic impedance in a shear layer of a subsonic flow by Laser Doppler Velocimetry
M. Lavieille, F. Simon, F. Micheli.
Active Reduction of Vibroacoustic Transmission using Elasto-poroelastic Sandwich Panels and Piezoelectric Materials
T. Zielinski, M.-A. Galland, M. Ichchou.
Enhanced Acoustic Properties with Composite PoroElastic Materials
S. Durga Prasad, P. Chandramouli.
Modelisation of melamine wedges of an anechoic chamber using the Biot theory
S. Schneider, P. Herzog.
The effect of an added porous layers on sound transmission
S. Schneider, P.-O. Mattei.
12/09 PM: Innovative solutions for noise control
Innovative solutions for noise control: acoustical properties of multiscales porous materials
X. Olny.
Advanced heterogeneous materials for noise and vibration control (slides)
F.-X. Bécot, F. Sgard, N. Amirouche.
Evaluation of the performance in wind tunnel of hybrid active/passive absorbent panels
B. Mazeaud, M.-A. Galland.
Increased absorption by irregular porous walls
S. Félix, M. Asch, M. Filoche, B. Sapoval.
Boundary element energy method for the prediction of machinery encapsulation
M. Thivant, A. Cloix.
Hybrid absorption to reduce the noise transmitted by a plate coupled to a cavity: determination of the optimal impedance
J.-B. Dupont, M.-A. Galland.
Controlled extrusion of porous media for acoustic applications
A. Khan, K. Horoshenkov, H. Benkreira, R. Patel.
Development of an acoustic absorbent material using scrap tyres
G. Boccaccio, J.C. Le Roux, N. Poulain.